The use of Vocabulary Words in the Dictionary Given in the Textbook of the 1st Class Native Language and Reading Literacy


  • Zokirova Sohiba Mukhtoraliyevna Fergana State University, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philology
  • Akhmedova Diyorahon Obidjon qizi Theory and methods of education (primary education) direction, 2-course master's degree



assimilation words, the native language of the 1st Class and literacy of reading, dictionary, assimilated words from the Arabic language, assimilated words from the Persian language


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How to Cite

Mukhtoraliyevna, Z. S. ., & qizi, A. D. O. . (2021). The use of Vocabulary Words in the Dictionary Given in the Textbook of the 1st Class Native Language and Reading Literacy. International Journal of Culture and Modernity, 10, 39–42.


