Classification of Oykons


  • Timur Khojaoglu Professor at Michigan State University (USA) Michigan State University, USA
  • Nodira Adizova Associate Professor of the Pedagogical Institute of Bukhara State University
  • Kilichev Bayramali Ergashevich Professor, Bukhara State University



Onomastics, toponyms, microtoponym, macrotoponym, footsteps, agronym, necron


The thematic-nominal classification of Bukhara district toponymy is presented in this article. The names of some microtoponms include the names of the Turkic peoples, including the tribes and tribes of the Uzbek people, and their branches and networks, and we have analyzed and commented on them. It discusses topical issues of toponymics, including the etymology of microstructures of Bukhara district.


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How to Cite

Khojaoglu, T. ., Adizova, N. ., & Ergashevich, K. B. . (2022). Classification of Oykons . International Journal of Culture and Modernity, 16, 64–69.


