Some Terms and Characteristics What is preached in The Qur'an About Judaism


  • Mulyana Mulyana UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Indonesia



Jews, Children of Israel, People of the Book


Researchers try to reveal in detail related to the mention that is always based on the Jews. The mention has become a popular term, attached, has certain meanings and purposes, such as the mention of the Jews, the Children of Israel and the mention of the People of the Book. After being traced through the sequence of verses and surahs, it was found that at least 40 verses of the words "Bani Israel" were found with various forms, meanings and emphasis of the verse in question. The researcher tries to trace the meaning of the word "ahlul Kitab" in the Qur'an. After being traced through the sequence of verses and suras, a thematic approach model is also used. After being traced, the researcher found at least 30 verses of the words "Ahlul Kitab" with various forms, meanings and emphasis on the verse in question.

First , Judaism ( Jews ) in many common sense, is often only known as a name for one of the heavenly religions, or a name for a particular ethnicity who adheres to the Jewish religion. Second , this discussion tries to trace the meaning of the word “Bani Israel” in the Qur'an. The approach used in the search uses the sequence of verses according to the order of the surahs in the Qur'an . 


Al-Quan, Translation of the Indonesian Ministry of Religion

Al-Kitab, Indonesian Bible Institute, Jakarta , 2003

Chicago: Willian Banton, Encyclopedia of Indonesia, (jakarta: Ichtiar Baru Van Hoeve, 1991), 115

Erik H. Cohen, “Jewish Identity Research: A State of The Art,” in IJJER (International Journal of Jewish Education Research), 2010

Encyclopedia Americana, Vol. 29, (New York: American Corporation, 1974), 783.

Encyclopedia Britannica, (Chicago: Willian Banton, 1965), 955.

Moshe Maor, The History of Zionism, (Jewish Virtual Library Publication, 2009), 1-2.

Hasan Shadily, Encyclopedia of Indonesia, (Jakarta: Ichtiar Baru Van Hoeve, 1991), 115

Husna, Hilyatul, and Abdul Wasik. “Mahabbah Al-Ghozali as a Model of Education and Child Care.” Edukasi 1, no. 1 (2021).

Masgono, ttps:// downloaded on. 9/10/2018. 11.08 o'clock

Masgono, ttps:// downloaded on. 9/10/2018. 11.08 o'clock




How to Cite

Mulyana, M. (2021). Some Terms and Characteristics What is preached in The Qur’an About Judaism. International Journal of Culture and Modernity, 10, 52–63.


