The Cycle of Money with and without the Maximum Mixed Savings (Two-Dimensional Approach)


  • Challoumis C N.K.U.A. (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)



maximum mixed savings, cycle of money


This paper is about the utility of the cycle of money with and without the maximum mixed savings. This means that there are examined the crucial points of tax policy and public policy that are the best for the increase of consumption and investments, subject to the case that there exists maximum mixed savings and the case that there is an absence of the maximum mixed savings. Therefore, there is an analysis based on the utility of the public sector and the utility of uncontrolled enterprises. Thence, it is plausible to extract conclusions about the utility of the cycle of money, showing the points and the behaviors of any economy when there are and when there are not maximum mixed savings. The Q.E. method approach was used for this analysis.


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How to Cite

Challoumis C. (2023). The Cycle of Money with and without the Maximum Mixed Savings (Two-Dimensional Approach). International Journal of Culture and Modernity, 33, 34–45.


