Methods of Translating Socio-Political Texts and Its Main Characteristics


  • Xojimurodova Shahnozaxon Eryigit qizi Tashkent State University of Uzbek language and literature named after Alisher Navoi Master of Simultaneous interpretation



Ideal person, oral speech, socio-political texts, pragmatic adequacy


In the article, the pragmatic function of oral translation of socio-political texts, the culture of communication and communication etiquette for the development of the speech culture of the interpreter, the potential of the word, the power of influence, and the essence of the translation methods, the use of these methods in the translation process it is analyzed that it is one of the most urgent problems of today.


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How to Cite

Xojimurodova Shahnozaxon Eryigit qizi. (2023). Methods of Translating Socio-Political Texts and Its Main Characteristics. International Journal of Culture and Modernity, 33, 18–21.


