Methods and Devices for Converting Brine into Fresh Drinking Water Using Alternative Energy Sources


  • Shomurodov Anvar Ahadovich Base doctoral student of the Bukhara Institute of Natural Resources Management of the NRU
  • Sharipova Dilnora Burkhonovna Assistant of the Bukhara Institute of Natural Resources Management of the NRU «TIIAME»,



Solar impeller, solar device, solar radiation, transparent surface, condensation, conical, U.W.C, Watercop, clay- barrier, Mehsana


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How to Cite

Ahadovich, S. A. ., & Burkhonovna, S. D. . (2023). Methods and Devices for Converting Brine into Fresh Drinking Water Using Alternative Energy Sources. International Journal of Culture and Modernity, 33, 9–14.


