Economic Education of Elementary School Students as a Socio-Pedagogical Problem


  • Narzieva Dilorom Botirovna Researcher of the Department of Preschool Education of Bukhara State University Director of Bukhara city 67th pre-school education organization



economic education, economic educationcompetence, life skills, quality of education, teacher skills, values, spiritual heritage, personal development


In the article, socio-pedagogical problems of economic education of elementary school students, their place and importance in the development of society, providing students with an understanding of social and legal norms in elementary grades, and following these norms in their minds the issues of development of competence are discussed.


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How to Cite

Botirovna, N. D. . (2023). Economic Education of Elementary School Students as a Socio-Pedagogical Problem. International Journal of Culture and Modernity, 28, 102–106.


