“The role of theater art in improving the aesthetic taste of young people”


  • Isroilova Mohina Adhamovna Independent researcher of the Uzbek State Institute of Arts and Culture, Lecturer at the Department of Art History and Cultural Studies. [email protected]




In this article, the enlightened Jadids, realizing that it is impossible to form the spirituality of peoples without scientific knowledge, enriched Islamic spirituality with new knowledge and made a worthy contribution to the formation of spirituality and worldview of people in the historical process. Then they sacrificed their lives


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How to Cite

Isroilova Mohina Adhamovna. (2023). “The role of theater art in improving the aesthetic taste of young people”. International Journal of Culture and Modernity, 28, 76–80. https://doi.org/10.51699/ijcm.v28i.525


