Semantic Field of Toponyms in Uzbekistan


  • Oblokulova Mastura Mizrobovna Dots, Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages
  • Raximova Farangiz Abduvaliyevna Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages
  • Ochilova Aziza Sobirjon qizi Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages "Lingvistika (ingliz)" master student studying in the specialty



Toponymy, semantics, social, learn, methods, environment, geographic, area, analysis


This article describes the semantic field and importance of toponyms in Uzbekistan. In addition, information about their types and examples are given.


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How to Cite

Mizrobovna, O. M. ., Abduvaliyevna, R. F. ., & Sobirjon qizi, O. A. . (2023). Semantic Field of Toponyms in Uzbekistan. International Journal of Culture and Modernity, 28, 9–14.


