Forming Solutions to the Change of Ecology under the Influence of the Island Problem through Students' Independence and Activity in the Educational Process
Environmental Problem, Environmental Education, Sanitary Epidemiology, Adaptation, Global Ecology, Intraregional Project and Use of NatureAbstract
It caused severe socio-economic, ecological and sanitary epidemiological conditions in a number of districts of the three independent states in the island region. As a result, a severe socio-economic, ecological, sanitary-epidemiological situation is emerging around the Aral Sea, especially in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, in the Kyzyl Horde and Doshkhovuz regions, which is dangerous for the health of the population.
In our country, among other areas, the issues of ensuring environmental stability, creating the necessary conditions for the population to have a comfortable natural environment, rational and effective use of natural resources, preventing emerging environmental problems and eliminating their negative consequences, and in educational institutions about the process of strengthening theoretical knowledge and practical skills using the "problem situation" teaching method.
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