The Social Identity of Peoples of Ancient and Medieval Societies in the Context of Food


  • Gulchehra Shavkatovna Zununova Doctor of Historical Sciences, National Centre of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan Tashkent, Uzbekistan



food social stratum, feasts, wine, meat, food identity


The aim of the article is to examine the social identity of the peoples of ancient societies in the context of food, and to reveal the functions of different levels of feasts. It is noted that one facet of identity is food, i.e. in this case we can say that food distinguishes people. The literature review shows that Central Asian researchers have not specifically studied the topic of food in the context of belonging to strata and the social functions of the meals of the poor and the rich. The article reveals food markers in the context of social identity in early and medieval societies. Archaeological artefacts are presented as evidence for this fact. It is shown that meat was rarely consumed in the meals of the lower strata, and full access to it was only available during feasts. At other times they ate mostly plant food. It has been noted that such foods as meat, white bread, salt and sugar were a criterion of prosperity. A separate rank is given to the diet of a stratum of society such as warriors. The ration of Timur's warriors included dried meat and flour made of millet or barley to make stew. Genghis Khan's warriors also drank blood. Participants of the crusades had bread in their allowance, as well as live meat: cattle followed the wagons. The article describes alcoholic drinks and narcotic plant substances. The functional role of tonic substances in poor and rich feasts is shown. In conclusions the author of article marks, that food markers defined belonging to different strata, where such parameters as "good" (qualitative) and bad food, testifying a membership in "prestigious" or "non-prestigious" social group have the classifying value. The functions of feasts have been established, which in some cases are military strategy and perform diplomatic functions, for example, the conclusion of peace treaties.


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How to Cite

Zununova, G. S. (2022). The Social Identity of Peoples of Ancient and Medieval Societies in the Context of Food. International Journal of Culture and Modernity, 21, 9–17.


