Social and Biological Characteristics of the Language


  • Akhrorova Ruzikhan Usmonovna Fergana State University



Speech, behavior, male, female, pronunciation, timbre, biological, psychological, social culture


The purpose of the study covered in this article is a brief analysis of the influence of three - biological, psychological and social characteristics of the language on the speaker's speech.

The article uses comparative and statistical analysis methods. The findings and rules of the study can be used in conversational practice classes, as well as special courses and seminars on lexicology and sociolinguistics. Based on the results of this research, practical recommendations for the selection and collection of teaching materials in the teaching of dialogic speech can be developed. The concluding part of the article is that, unlike biological and psychological factors with universal characteristics, social factors are not only dynamic and dynamic in appearance, but also crucial. This thesis can explain the fact that the speech-gender difference noted by all linguists is inversely related to the stage of development of a society: the higher the level of social development of a society, the more pronounced the gender difference in the language it serves.


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How to Cite

Usmonovna, A. R. . (2022). Social and Biological Characteristics of the Language. International Journal of Culture and Modernity, 18, 19–25.


