The Purpose of Educating Foreign Language at Unspecific Universities


  • Begmuratov Akmaljon Latifjon o'g'li Andizhan State University The junior course of faculty of foreign language



students, educator, English, Curriculum, methodology, non-specific universities, foreign languages and etc


Our people say that if you know the language, you know the hand.  In fact, the most widely spoken language in the world today is English.  Therefore, today in our country a comprehensive and systematic work is being done to teach and teach this language.  The fact that children learn English from the very beginning of their education will enable them to quickly and perfectly master several other languages   in the future.  Therefore, in this article, the author describes in detail the methodology and importance of teaching English in preschool education.


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How to Cite

Latifjon o’g’li, B. A. (2022). The Purpose of Educating Foreign Language at Unspecific Universities. International Journal of Culture and Modernity, 17, 97–109.


