Somatic Phraseologies with “Hand” ”–“QO‘L” Component, Expressing Diligence in German and Uzbek Languages


  • Umarjonova Guzal Mukhtorovna Fergana State University Faculty of Foreign Languages, Senior Lecturer



component, somatism, phrase logical unit, Hand, qo‘l, finger, labor, ideographic, classification, equivalent, attribute


The aim of the article is to structurally-semantically analyze phrase logical units in two different systematic languages. There are different levels of meaning associated with how we use our hands in our daily lives. In German and Uzbek, we have tried to ideographically classify somatic phraseologies with a “hand-to-hand” component based on their current characteristics and different levels of meaning. In developing the classifications, we took into account the semantic aspects of the two different systematic languages.


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How to Cite

Mukhtorovna, U. G. . (2022). Somatic Phraseologies with “Hand” ”–“QO‘L” Component, Expressing Diligence in German and Uzbek Languages. International Journal of Culture and Modernity, 14, 68–71.


