About the “Space” and “Time” Philosophical and Language Categories


  • Zokirov Mukhtorali Turdaliyevich Ferghana State University Professor of the Department of Linguistics Fergana, Uzbekistan
  • Sharipova Shaxnoza Ergashevna Ferghana State University Master of the Department of Linguistics Fergana, Uzbekistan




philosophy, linguistics, categories of space and time, linguistic means, syntax, locality, temporality


The article explains the meaning of the philosophical and linguistic categories of "space" and "time" and explores them in an integral way.


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How to Cite

Turdaliyevich, Z. M. ., & Ergashevna, S. S. . (2022). About the “Space” and “Time” Philosophical and Language Categories. International Journal of Culture and Modernity, 13, 96–100. https://doi.org/10.51699/ijcm.v13i.201


