The Relevance of the Subject "Fundamentals of Variety-Jazz Musical Styles" in the Preparation of Students of Higher Education in the Field Of Music Education for Practical Work as a Teacher of Music


  • Botirov Jasurbek Atajanovich Lecturer at the Department of Music Education, Andijan State University



jazz, musical elements, ensemble, composer, saxophone, flute, jazz musicians, layers of music, folklore, Jazz era


Jazz is one of the "light" layers of music that emerged in the United States during the 19th and 20th centuries as a result of the fusion of African and European musical cultures. It is a synthesis of African rhythms and European harmony.

The course "Fundamentals of Variety-Jazz Musical Styles" develops students' conscious attitude to musical events and the ability to understand them; plays an important role in shaping and developing students' musical outlook and thinking, directing and enriching their musical and aesthetic tastes, developing their creative abilities, and preparing students for the practical activities of a music culture teacher.

This article gives you a brief overview on the basics of pop-jazz music.


B. Zeydler. Vocals for men's and women's voices. M., 2002. 3. M.Burxanov. Lyrical songs and romances. T., 1961.

F. Abt. Vocalysis, M., 1968.

R. Pauls. Variety songs in piano accompaniment. M., 1982. 5. «World of hits» - istoriya populyarnoy muzyki. Vyp. 1-3, M., Megaservis, 1997.

Sh.M. Mirziyoyev. The rule of law and the interests of the people are the key to the development of the country and the well-being of the people. T .: “O’zbekiston”, 2017.

Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures to further develop and improve the field of culture and arts." May 31, 2017 №PQ-3022. People's Word newspaper, June 1, 2017

Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PF-4947 of February 7, 2017 "On the Action Strategy for the further development of the Republic of Uzbekistan."

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 222 "On approval of the State Program for the Protection, Preservation, Promotion and Use of Intangible Cultural Heritage for 2010-2020". October 2010.




How to Cite

Atajanovich, B. J. . (2021). The Relevance of the Subject "Fundamentals of Variety-Jazz Musical Styles" in the Preparation of Students of Higher Education in the Field Of Music Education for Practical Work as a Teacher of Music. International Journal of Culture and Modernity, 11, 341–348.


