Use of Modern Information Technologies in Literacy Classes


  • Kholdarova Irodaxon Valijonovna Fergana State University Philosophy of Philology PhD, Senior Lecturer
  • Umarova Malika Askaraliyevna Fergana State University Theory and methods of education 2-year master's degree



primary education, information and communication technologies, literacy, reading and writing, preparation


This article discusses the advantages of information and communication technologies in the teaching process, the use of ICT in education, the process of teaching literacy in primary school, its goals and objectives, methods of teaching literacy, types of reading and writing activities, opinions were expressed on the specifics of winter and writing teaching. Here's how to put one together for use with Power Point. It is based on the pedagogical skills of the primary school teacher in the educational process.


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How to Cite

Valijonovna, K. I. ., & Askaraliyevna, U. M. . (2021). Use of Modern Information Technologies in Literacy Classes. International Journal of Culture and Modernity, 11, 268–273.


