The Practical Importance of Using the Scientific Heritage of the Eastern Thinkers in the Education of the Young Generation


  • Timur Khojaoglu Professor at Michigan State University (USA) Michigan State University, USA
  • Saidova Gavhar Ergashovna Senior Lecturer at BuxDUPI



Education, children, ethnography and other sciences


The problem of the heritage of scholars and their social pedagogical views, their use in the educational process is studied to some extent by representatives of spirituality, philosophy, literature, history, man and society, ethnography and other sciences.


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S.G. Ergashovna Development of creative thinking in mathematics lessons in primary grades asian journal of multidimensional research 10 (5), 715-719.2021




How to Cite

Khojaoglu, T. ., & Ergashovna, S. G. . (2022). The Practical Importance of Using the Scientific Heritage of the Eastern Thinkers in the Education of the Young Generation. International Journal of Culture and Modernity, 16, 70–74.




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